This is the first tutorial of a series about the protection mechanisms on x86 arch.
* This text was mostly based on the Intel 80386 Programmer's Reference Manual.
NOTE: If something in this article is unclear to you, consult the manual itself.
NOTE: This article explains the protection mechanisms, if you aren't familiar with the address formation cycle (segmentation->paging), then you should go back and learn it before reading this article.
NOTE: Sentences surrounded by double quotes are implicitly explanations taken from the Intel Manual.
Today I will talk about the protection criteria on x86. Firstly, it's important to know that protection is essential to confine bugs.
It means that intended/unitended bugs from one procedure shouldn't damage others.
Protection on x86 was built with two important goals in mind: help detect and identify bugs. Bugs must be found and eliminated as quickly as possible.
Proctection on x86 was made possible through the following mechanisms:
- Check memory accesses.
- Check instruction execution.
It's also important to know that the system developer has the power of deciding which mechanisms will be used (according to the system design objectives).
Protection Overview:
The Intel manual lists all aspects of protection as applied both to segmentation and paging.
Aspects of protection:
1. Type checking
2. Limit checking
3. Restriction of addressable domain
4. Restriction of procedure entry points
5. Restriction of instruction set
It's interesting knowing that the protection hardware of x86 is an integral part of the memory management hardware.
When a memory reference is made, this hardware must check that it conforms the protection criteria as defined by the system programmer.
Any memory access that doesn't conform the criteria results in an exception, which must be handled by the exception mechanism.
Invalid memory access will prevent the cycle from starting, thus protecting the system. You can ask yourself, this protection mechanism wouldn't result in a performance penalty since there is a check on every memory access?
The answer is no, both the address formation and the check on memory access are performed concurrently.
NOTE: I won't talk about exception handling in this article. If you're interested, then you should go forward and learn it yourself.
It's also important to clarify the meaning of privilege when applied to aspects of protection.
"The concept of "privilege" is central to several aspects of protection (numbers 3, 4, and 5 in the preceeding list)."
"Applied to procedures, privilege is the degree to which the procedure can be trusted not to make a mistake that might affect other procedures or data. Applied to data, privilege is the degree of protection that a data structure should have from less trusted procedures."
It's very easy to understand, then additional note shouldn't be needed. I will finish this protection overview topic by emphasizing that this concept of privelege applies both to segment and page protection.
Segment-level protection
It's essential to know that checks are performed automatically by the CPU whenever you load a segment descriptor into a segment register, and also with every segment access.
Segment descriptors simply stores info about a segment. "Segment registers hold the protection parameters of the currently addressable segments."
Besides, I suppose you know the difference between segmentation on real and protected mode. I won't present the differences in this article.
Descriptors and Protection Parameters
All of these fields are set by the system programmer at the time the descriptor is created. As stated in the manual, the application programmer shouldn't be concerned with these details unless needed (E.G: better understanding or exploitation issues).
It's also very interesting that each segment register has an invisible portion for storing several parameters about the segment. The processor loads not only the base address, but also protection information (limit, type, and privilege level).
So the CPU can look at this invisible portion (on subsequent memory checks) instead of retrieving the protection parameters from the descriptor on every segment access.
"Therefore, subsequent protection checks on the same segment do not consume additional clock cycles."
Hope you liked it,
Raphael S. Carvalho
Raphael S.Carvalho's Programming"A programmer that cannot debug effectively is blind." |
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